Be a Mentor for Einstein Schools
27 May 2019

Credit: Einstein Schools
The Einstein Schools Programme, a global project of the International Astronomical Union 100 Years Celebration, is looking for mentors to encourage middle and high school students around the world.
Currently, more than 200 schools from 45 countries have signed up to explore the role of gravity in modern astronomy, and are taking the first steps to become Einstein Schools. The programme is now looking for mentors who enjoy answering questions from students and teachers in an accessible way and who like to share experiences about their own work and life as a scientist.
Most students have never met or talked to a scientist before. For them, mentors are important role models that inspire and excite them towards STEM careers. Also, in most countries, the topic of gravity in astronomy is not part of the formal school curriculum. Therefore, science teachers could use help from mentors as they work with the students. Ideas for mentorship include organizing Skype-sessions with students and teachers and helping them to find interesting topics to explore. Mentors who organize at least two Skype-sessions will receive a special Einstein Schools Mentor Certificate!
Mentors can be university students, PhD candidates, postdoc or faculty members in the field of astronomy or physics. Mentors don’t need to be experts in Einstein Schools topics, but some some basic knowledge about astronomy, gravity, Einstein’s theory is expected, and a willingness to dive into topics where needed.
Frequently asked questions about being a mentor for Einstein Schools are answered here.
If you would like to be a mentor sign up here. For any further questions, please send an email to mentors@einsteinschools.org.
Stephen Pompea
Project Coordinator
Jorge Rivero González
IAU100 Coordinator