International Year of the Periodic
Table 2019 Opening
29 January 2019
IYPT2019 logo Credit: IYPT.
2019 marks the 150th Anniversary of Dmitry Mendeleev’s discovery of the Periodic Table and to celebrate its importance the United Nations has proclaimed it the International Year of the Periodic Table of the Elements 2019 (IYPT2019).
The periodic table of the elements is regarded as a significant achievement for all domains of science. We are all made of stars. The universe’s most abundant elements, hydrogen and helium, were formed during the Big Bang and all subsequent elements that make up our everyday lives were all forged deep in the core of stars and on the violent stellar explosions that spread them across the universe. Professional and amateur astronomers are encouraged to participate in IYPT2019 by organising events that explore the study and value of the elements in the universe, as events and activities will be organised around the world.
The Opening Ceremony of IYPT2019 will take place at UNESCO in Paris on 29 January 2019. The programme includes, keynote lectures, including Nobel Laureate Ben Faringa, addresses by young chemists from around the world, and round table discussions. One of the round tables entitled "On the Origin of Elements" will include the participation by IAU president Prof. Ewine van Dishoeck discussing on the topic of the “Origin of the Elements in Outer Space. You can watch the live stream of the ceremony here on 29 January at 10am CET (GTM+1).
IYPT2019 is supported by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in partnership with the various organisations, including the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Other partners include the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), European Association for Chemical and Molecular Science (EuCheMS), the International Council for Science (ICSU), and the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPS).
For more information about the International Year of the Periodic Table of the Elements 2019, visit the IYPT2019 website.
Jorge Rivero González
IAU100 Coordinator