Astronomy Roadshow
The project will involve a team of 8-12 persons carrying out outreach activities in Zambia, including Kitwe, Kapiri Mposhi, Mumbwa and Mongu. The activities will include public lectures, outreach to schools, star gazing and presentation of selected experiments and demonstrations to schools and the public (with the use of a travelling laboratory). We will use Galileo telescopes, an 8 inch optical telescope, and other education materials,such as the Universe Awareness Universe in a Box and the Dark Skies Outreach kit.
This project will be carried out in Zambia in five towns namely Kitwe, Kapiri Mposhi, Mumbwa and Mongu. These are towns along the north-central and west connection of the county. The activities will begin in Kitwe, stopover in Kapiri Mposhi, sleep over in Mumbwa and Mongu
The lead organizer is Prospery Simpemba of the Copperbelt University, deputized by Nchimunya Mwiinga of the University of Zambia. The other members of the team are Jackson Siantuba, Lenganji Mutembo Mubanga, Francis Waluasa, Chengo Musonda, Womba Kaumba, Florence Makumbi, Elvis Sikapizye, Steven Mudenda and Lubinda Nabiwa.
The partner institutions are Copperbelt University, University of Zambia, Ministry if General Education of the Republic of Zambia, National Science Centre of Zambia, Mulungushi University and Mukuba University.
More information soon