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ArAS Astronomy Teacher Training Program

The ArAS Astronomy Teacher Training Program aims to provide secondary and high school Palestinian science teachers with modern training in Astronomy teaching. Participating teachers will learn to describe and explain the celestial sphere and astronomical observations, they will understand the different types and uses for various telescopes, and how to use observe and locate planets in the sky.


Palestine – West Bank – Ramallah


Project coordinator

Full name: Dawoud Basem Duab Tarawa

Nationality: Palestinian

partners involved:

AydaYousef Sayaed Ahmed: High school physics teacher, a member of the directorate of education / South of Hebron – Ministry of Education

Raid M Suleiman: Professional Astronomer, Co-I TEMPO Project

NASA, Research Scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA

ZouhairBenkhaldoun: Professional Astronomer, Director of Oukeimdn Observatory, Professor at Al-Cadi Ayyad University

IsmaëlMoumen: Professional Astronomer, PhD Student at Université Laval / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Canada

Sihem Kali: Professor at Mohamed Boudiaf University, M'sila –Algeria

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