Winners Announced for the Astronomy Day in Schools Global Project
10 February 2020

Astronomy Day in School Activities in South Africa. Credit - Erika Hajburger
The Astronomy Day in Schools global initiative was celebrated on and around 10-17 November. Over 500 events and activities took place in 70 countries worldwide. This IAU100 global event has been celebrated by communicators and educators of all kinds worldwide, including both professional and amateur astronomers, to use astronomy as an educative tool to engage with the students in their communities.
To stimulate further engagement and excitement for this global project and to recognize the various event organizers worldwide, two prize categories were established. These winners have now been announced:
The ‘Astronomy For All’ Prize
One of the IAU100 themes is Inclusive Astronomy. This prize was awarded to the organisers of an Astronomy Day in Schools event or activity that demonstrated the strongest consideration for inclusiveness, diversity and equity - particularly for underserved minorities. The selected winners are:
Radhouane Benmehaia - Algeria
An exhibition featuring discussions about the moon, solar system, galaxies and telescopes was conducted, followed by the observation of the transit of Mercury. These activities were conducted with students of various age levels.
Julio Baizabal - Mexico
A talk was held about the evolution of stars, constellations and the development of rocket, followed by a workshop featuring a 3D model constellation of Orion and an activity with a water rocket. These activities prioritized the dissemination of science for young students in rural regions.
Most Innovative Event Prize
This prize is awarded to the events that most uniquely and innovatively inspired and educated the students and teachers in the visited schools about astronomy. The selected winners are:
Vanessa Simões da Silva Oliveira - Brazil
The goal of this astronomy day was to foster an interest and passion for space science by stimulating curiosity.
Christian Dubbert-Schätzke - Germany
This event observed the transit of Mercury through various telescopes, including sun filters and a hydrogen-alpha telescope, for adults, children, and students. Images from the event were also projected onto a viewing screen for the school.
Activities from the Winner of the Most Innovate Event Prize: Christian Dubbert-Schätzke - Germany

Bethany Downer
Astronomy Day in Schools Event Coordinator, IAU100 Secretariat
Jorge Rivero González
IAU100 Coordinator