IAU100 Above and Beyond Exhibition Continues to be Featured Worldwide
20 August 2019

The IAU100 Above and Beyond down-scale exhibition featured in Aruba. Credit: Jeremio Maduro.
The IAU100 Above and Beyond traveling exhibition that highlights 100 years of astronomy discoveries continues to be showcased globally. The full-scale exhibition is currently traveling across Ireland, while the down-scale and poster versions have been featured around the world.
The IAU100 Above and Beyond traveling exhibition that highlights 100 years of astronomy discoveries continues to be showcased globally. The travelling exhibition is currently travelling across Ireland, while the down-scale and poster versions have been featured around the world.
Designed with Science Now, the IAU100 Above and Beyond exhibition showcases some of the most significant and surprising astronomical breakthroughs that have shaped science, technology and culture over the last century.
The exhibition’s open source designs support the reproduction of the exhibition in its full scale as a standalone experience (150sq meters, modular design). This large scale exhibition is currently touring 5 cities in Ireland:
Armagh (N. Ireland) from 1 July 2019 to 5 August 2019
Birr (Ireland) from 5 August 2019 to 19 August 2019
Dublin (Ireland) from 19 August 2019 to 2 September 2019
Cork (Ireland) from 2 September 2019 to 19 September 2019
Galway (Ireland) from 4 October 2019 to 10 October 2019
There is also a rescaled budget version of the exhibition that can be easily replicated in any printing facility worldwide based on posters and community localization. These open source materials can be downloaded from the exhibition website. This version is currently being featured in Uruguay from July to December 2019. A photographic exhibition based on materials from the exhibition has also been developed in Uruguay.
This special exhibition has also been scaled-down to a special set of 12 A0 posters that feature the exhibition’s highlights. This version is well suited for display at meetings, universities, schools, societies and other venues. To date, more than 180 sets of these posters have been distributed worldwide. These posters have been featured throughout various astronomy outreach activities worldwide, including Aruba (imaged above), Canada, Spain and Tunisia.