Join the Celebrations!
— How to Get Involved in the IAU100
12 October 2018
Observation of the Venus transit in Hong Kong. Credit: Sze-leung Cheung
The IAU centennial celebrations in 2019 will stimulate a worldwide interest in astronomy and science and will reach out to the global astronomical community from professional and amateur astronomers, from policy-makers to teachers and students, to families and the general public. Plan ahead for an exciting year and find out how you can get involved and take the best out of this global celebration of astronomy.
If you are an amateur astronomer...
We are encouraging amateur astronomers to play a major role in the organisation of astronomy activities. As an amateur astronomer, you can reach out to your local group and implement some cool astronomy outreach activities for the community. Get in touch with science teachers in local schools and propose some practical activities for students involving observation of the sky or citizen science.
If you are an educator...
You can find various activities and resources under the different Global Projects and get assistance with relevant and exciting topics for you and your students. If you are a teacher, you will have dedicated global initiatives focused on teacher training and activities for your students.
If you are a professional astronomer...
You can contact your IAU100 National Committee for advice or share new ideas on what can be done to promote astronomy in your region. You can, altogether with fellow amateur astronomers, support citizen science activities, outreach and educational activities under any of the IAU100 Themes.
If you have a new idea...
If you have a new idea and it is not listed in the Global Projects pages, contact the IAU100 National Committee in your own country and propose your ideas.
If you want to share your activities…
The IAU100 activities will have an international dimension, yet all starts with you, in your local community! Tell us how you will be celebrating a century of astronomical discoveries! You can register your event in our Event Calendar or reach out to our communications team and share what you are planning.
If you want to be a partner...
There are numerous opportunities to partner with the IAU. Partners will receive enormous exposure through the events, online and all IAU100 media coverage. We have planned different levels of engagement.
Lina Canas
IAU100 Communications Manager
Jorge Rivero González
IAU100 Coordinator