UNIPAMPA Planetarium Inspires Thousands in Southern Brazil
29 August 2019

The UNIPAMPA Planetarium as part of a traveling education programme in southern Brazil.
Credit: Planetário da Unipampa/Guilherme F. Marranghello.
Aimed to inspire the students and the general public with astronomy, with the support of the IAU100 Secretariat, the UNIPAMPA mobile planetarium has already visited 10 cities in the Pampa region (Brazil) and reached 200 pre-service teachers and more than 8000 children.
The Unipampa’s Planetarium in the city of Bagé, Brazil was inaugurated in 2017. It hosts both a fixed and a mobile dome, which travels around the Pampa region for school education activities in the south of Brazil.
The program’s team travels up to 700km to reach each city where the planetarium is hosted. Outreach activities are conducted at each location for schools as well as the general public. The project will visit 10 additional cities in 2019 and it is expected that over 10 000 are reached as part of the IAU100 celebrations.
The UNIPAMPA’s Planetarium initiative is one of 23 IAU100 Special Projects that has been financially supported with micro-grants to implement their astronomy initiatives under one or more of the IAU100 Themes.
Jorge Rivero González
IAU100 Coordinator
Guilherme F. Marranghello
Planetário da Unipampa